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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  119KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (254 colors)
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OCR: If you have theClearAccess query tool installed on your machine ClearAccess commands also show on the Import command submer The ClearAccess package allows you to create edit, and submit database gueries to a variety of popular industry-standard relational databases The following ClearAccess commands give direct importing of data from a remote database JMP executes ClearAccess scripts and the resulting data appears in new JMP data table with no intermediate steps Run ClearAccess Script prompts for the name of an existing ClearAccess script and then executes if. If the ClearAccess application not running launched and brought to the foreground for the duration of the query. When the script finishes execution, any data extracted from the remote database placed new JMP data table named 'ClearAc ...